Our values

At Bennett Jones, our customers come first. We make sure that everyone receives the same level of commitment and respect. When you contact us, we’ll take the time to listen to your circumstances before providing information and support.

✓   Write off unaffordable debt
✓   One monthly repayment
✓   Only pay what you can afford
✓   Become debt free

Bennett Jones is associated with The Debt Advisor Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to provide debt advice. An IVA may not be suitable in all circumstances. Fees may apply. Entering into an IVA will affect your credit rating. You could write off up to 80% of your debts upon successful completion of an IVA.(10% of our customers wrote off 80% in the last 12 months, with a typical figure of 25%-75%).

See if you are eligible

At Bennett Jones, our customers come first. We make sure that everyone receives the same level of commitment and respect.

You can be assured that we can help you on your way back to financial stability. In every case, we aim to:


Our entire approach is focused on providing a professional service for our clients. We aim to comply with the highest standards of professional behaviour, including making sure that we meet and exceed the expectations of our Regulators. Our team is headed by Greg Mullarkey, who has been a licensed Insolvency Practitioner since 1989. Our Operations Director Mark Smith has many years experience of in consumer Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs). A proven track record of high-quality work permeates the entire team, with ongoing training provided for all members of staff.


We recognise that financial worries can be distressing. We make sure we listen to each of our clients and treat everyone with the respect and understanding they deserve. Our advisers are trained to assist everyone and particular care is taken to help clients who are vulnerable for one reason or another. We’re here to provide you with the knowledge and understanding to help you regain control of your finances and put you back on track to a secure financial future.


Ongoing training and mentoring of team members is central to our work which is overseen and managed by our Training manager. We recognise that in the modern world it is essential to continue to update and improve working practices and take advantage of the benefits provided by modern technology. We aim to be at the forefront of our industry to provide the best quality advice and help to our customers.


We are proud of our reputation with major creditors as a trusted business which we believe is fundamental for us in achieving successful outcomes for our clients. Our policy is always to be open honest and transparent and to work hard to ensure that any issues which arise are resolved and will not recur in the future. Our ethical approach sets us apart from other companies offering similar services.


Our customers are at the heart of what we do. We recognise that taking a positive decision to deal with financial worries involves you in making difficult decisions at a time when you are likely to be suffering from anxiety and distress. You can expect that every member of our team will be focussed on ensuring you receive friendly and positive help for your particular personal circumstances.


From the start of your journey to debt freedom to the conclusion of your IVA you can expect us to provide you with ongoing guidance and support. From time to time events may occur or circumstances may arise which are unexpected. We are here to help you every step of the way. We will continue to work with you and provide all the guidance and support you need to make sure your IVA reaches a successful conclusion.

Bennett Jones